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Did Ming the Rogue Ever Play Wow Again

If the title of this thread meant anything to you, then y'all probably know of who I speak. For those blissfully unaware, I'm kind of at a crossroads here. On the ane mitt, I could leave you mercifully ignorant; but on the other hand, my job here is to make yous laugh, and laughing AT somebody is so much better than laughing WITH somebody, amirite?

Hello. My name is isobelle, and I just need to squeeze a little nerd-rage-lol out here. The whole thing has gotten completely out of control, and it's time to address the situation. Merely outset, a little background.

There's a rogue that plays WoW, and his proper name is Ming. He likes to PvP, and fancies himself to be pretty practiced at it. His threads in the Rogue Forums of WoW are the kind of threads that become "FIRST!!" replies posted in them, because they all inevitably spam out into 8 page ramblings of anybody posting their little thoughts or ASCII arts or whatever into. The guy has ane thing going for him, and I'll requite him this directly upward: he actually doesn't give a fuck what anyone thinks. He is and so far embedded into his own petty world that the outside world just bounces off the shell, and he continues on in his ain little fashion blissfully unaware.

Either that, or he is a brilliant Troll, and I have grossly underestimated him.

Ming used to have a website chosen where he would post little blog entries, relating to rogue buffs and nerfs, and the electric current situation for rogues in relation to PvP. At present, rogues are pretty good classes to curl if you're into PvP because you tin stand correct in front of someone while 'stealthed' and they can't see you. This alone used to piss me off to no end. I'd exist out in the middle of Desolace, with nary a tree or shrub every bit far as the heart could meet, and yet here was a rogue that just popped out of stealth and stun-locked me to 0 hitting points before I ever fifty-fifty had a chance to click a single button. Where the fuck was he hiding, behind the air?

The fact of the matter is that I rolled a rogue of my own, and hide behind the air all the time at present, and then moot point.


That was how I discovered Ming, by visitng the Rogue boards for the first few days of my new rogue, and trying to get some tips. I saw posts referring to Ming way before I ever saw an bodily postal service by the legend himself. It was a while before I discovered his own personal website, and that'due south when everything began to screw out of command.

His early posts used to actually stay on topic. Information technology was kind of a play past play about recent duels he had participated in, highlighting how sure specs vie against others. Resto Shamans versus ShadowStep Hemo. Mutilate versus a Frost Mage. That was absurd. Information technology was informational, and it was interesting, fifty-fifty if his dueling 'rules' seemed a chip silly; in order for him to take the duel, you have to just stand there and give him the coming-out-of-stealth-opener. This makes the duels get much faster, obviously, but if you can knock a rogue out before the sap / garrote / cheapshot land, you've washed yourself a huge favor.

Okay! Background out of the way! The affair that's seems to have happened recently, is that the page views accept gone to his already overswole caput, and now he posts 90% drivel about his (lack of a) love life, and how he "totally nailed that job interview like he shadowstepped a mage at 20% health while drinking h2o" (not making that last one upwards).

His most common fascination is telling everyone all about "RL Ming" which is apparently some Chinese woman he's pursued (unsuccessfully) for 8 years now, trying to get in her pants. She pretty much blows him off on a regular basis, then he created a WoW character named Ming, after her, and uses it to feel closer to her. Now he'due south apparently met some adult female in Mainland china over the internet, and he intends to marry her, WITHOUT E'er HAVING MET HER. Apparently the daughter in question is a girl he has been speaking to on MSN for a while now and she is an gorging WoW fan and loves Ming's blog. She's also obviously "watched all of his PvP videos".

His latest expose unravels:

Later a grueling 16 hour straight flight with little to no leg room, I landed in Shanghai with a lot of pain, feeling information technology in my knees but information technology was all worth it when I finally met the about important person in my life. I will write a lot more than about this field of study when I come dwelling, but let's just say there are iii tomoes in each sharingan, and by the same token, there are three very important women in my life.

Ming of real life (whose pic is now in the WOM logo) was the person that inspired me to create my character. She was the very showtime girl I ever fell in love with, and it has been a Nauto-Sakura relationship, as 1-sided equally it can possibly be. I have done countless stupid things for her over the eight years that I pursued her. However she always taught me that yep, in that location tin be common friendship betwixt united states of america, the friendship of a life time, the friendship where nosotros would do anything for eachother except a romantic relationship.

Ming of WOW was created when I lost all my jutsus after my career every bit a day trader concluded, and when I felt I no longer had the strength to protect her happiness. While this is a fictional character, in many ways information technology allowed me to soullink myself to the Ming of existent life. It allowed me to fight for her when I no longer could in real life. And more than importantly, Ming of WOW eventually led me to the tertiary and concluding mangkeyou sharingan user, who will finally lift my cursed seal and let me to unlock my true potential.

Expect a lot more on the subject in coming days, let's only say the lotus does bloom in Azeroth. I can't draw this feeling I accept, information technology is like a long journeying that finally reached its destination, a scorpid finally tamed by someone the likes of Hamchook . . .

The first paragraph there is a little alarming… "it was all worth information technology when I finally met the most of import person in my life". He's talking well-nigh coming together the person who will become his married woman for the showtime time. Now, coming together my wife was an important occasion, obviously. I married her. But I didn't know she was going to exist my wife before I met her. Mail service order brides are awesome if you just gotta have a Chinese Vagina in your life or whatever, but dude? Srsly? Then in the Same PARAGRAPH, he'due south still going on about this other "RL Ming". Fifty-fifty mail lodge brides shouldn't have to take that kind of crap. I feel bad for both of these women, and I don't fifty-fifty know them!

Naruto references bated (and oh yeah, there'south a lot of them), it's like he KNOWS the truth (the entire 2d paragraph), but just can't accept it. She's been like "aye, whatever" for 8 years, and in his mind, he's seeing merely the "yeah". Christ, now I experience bad for him, too. The third paragraph goes on near "losing jutsus" (?) and how he no longer had the strength to 'protect her happiness'? He could 'no longer fight for her'? Dude. Seriously. Lift your cursed seal? Scorpid finally tamed? What the fuck are you talking well-nigh!?


So that'southward his latest post. Funny, just tips on how to defeat a Soul Link Warlock didn't really emerge there. Permit's try the mail where he tells u.s. nigh his new job interview!

When I played stocks, ane of the biggest problem I had was that I couldn't stomach high run a risk trades. I have always been a very consequent performer, I had one of the highest winning percentages compared to most other traders at my business firm, yet when it came down to the total turn a profit earned, I wasn't superlative tier. In many ways, I went into the gilded mountain known as the Nasdaq of 1999-2000 and came out with a few nuggets, while others who were more daring came upwards with much bigger gains. Ming of RL, in many ways, was the person that inspired me to dream bigger. I told her if she has a business proposal I would sell everything I take from my flat to my underwear and risk information technology all with her, considering win or lose I volition have no regret whatsoever.

Ah crap, wrong i, that was another one almost that girl that hates him, and how he would sell his underwear for her. Hold on, I got it here somewhere…

Well, a week ago I would have never imagined in my weakened country, I would be able to land a job of this quotient. Yet in my starting time serious interview of the by 3 years, I got what can simply be described equally the position that will eliminate my "resurrection weakness". The company is very loftier profile, the type that a scrub like me desperately needs on the resume . The pay is substantially college than my very low salary requirement. I would say if I can hold this job for 3 years, I volition be back to full strength, most likely fifty-fifty stronger than my previous meridian. In fact, this is the highest profiled company I have ever been directly employed past. From the moment I walked into the lobby, everything screamed acme tier, I felt like a level v graphic symbol first seeing Stormwind.

Despite of existence able to zerg me with numbers, they asked me questions that I idea were extremely easy merely when I answered them, they were really impressed. "What is the difference between equity and fixed income?" When I said "In oversimplified terms, equities are stocks and fixed income are bonds" 1 of the guys said I was the beginning one who answered this question correctly. At present granted, this is for the well-nigh part a technical position that merely requires bones financial background, simply that question in term of difficulty scale is the equivalent of shadowstep ambushing a drinking caster with 20% health. This has to exist the smoothest, easiest interview I accept ever been on.

Pretty sure I don't want to know what brought on the 'weakened state' (Yeah infant, just proceed dancing on the mailbox like that… I'chiliad going afk for a second… I mean, I'll still be at the keyboard, only… not… typing much), but comparison it to resurrection sickness is the get-go indicator y'all play too much. I can imagine if you told the receptionist "DUDE, THIS Identify IS LIKE SEEING STORMWIND FOR THE Outset Time!" the interview probably would have been cancelled. To recall that these are the people that handle my 401k is… chilling.

In the end though, Ming will go along to exist Ming, and for that alone I applaud him. Nothing anyone can say or exercise will hold whatever sway over him. I mean, he's had a girl tell him to fuck off for pretty much 8 years, and he all the same can't even talk about his new fiancee without including a reference to this other daughter in the aforementioned sentence. My but regret is that I couldn't find the one quote that to me epitomizes everything about Ming in a single judgement. People on his site were getting sick of all the Naruto references, so they began to recommend other anime that he might similar.

He ended upwardly really liking Ruroni Kenshin, because "the principal character reminded me of myself".

You go, Ming. You but... go with your bad self.

... the saga continues, apparently...

Where exercise I begin? My physical form is here in the U.South. every bit I must keep to protect the rogue customs with my wings, still my soul is bound to her in Shanghai. This was the happiest week in my life. Not but she cleansed the darkness in my eye, but she too removed a scar that Ming of RL left in me years agone. My life is complete now I have found the answer to all of my questions. As a result I have obtained a higher level of strength only these who have tasted true love tin can empathize.
