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Faculty Has the Right to Inspect and Review the Education Records of Any Student

FERPA for Staff and Faculty

FERPA Overview

FERPA (Family unit Education Rights and Privacy Human activity) was enacted in 1974. It is a set of regulations that applies to those institutions that receive funding from the Department of Teaching. FERPA was written specifically for students and guarantees them the right to audit and review their education records, the right to seek to amend education records, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of information from those education records.

An education record is defined as any tape that directly identifies a student and is maintained past the establishment or educational agency or by a party acting for the establishment or educational agency. A cardinal distinction of education records is that educational activity records are shared. Education records can exist in any medium including the following: handwritten, typed, computer-generated, videotape, audiotape, pic, microfilm, microfiche, e-mail, and others.

FERPA for students provides additional information for students.

FERPA Training

This online module takes approximately 15-xx minutes to complete and provides you with recommendations for common FERPA-related problems that occur at the University. Lookout the video and complete the voluntary quiz to receive a PDF document as a record of training completion.

*Notation: users must log in with their personal NetID.

FERPA grooming course

Directory Information Release

You must ostend in a UW system of record, such as the Student Database, EARS, or MyGradPlan, that the student has not opted out of directory information release. For instance, if the student has indicated in MyUW that they wish to opt out of directory data release, you may not release that information. If you cannot confirm whether or not a student has opted out, practice not release.

Students Who Have Non Opted Out

Upon confirmation that a student has non opted out, the following information may exist released pursuant to WAC 478-140-024(5):

  • Student's name
  • Street address
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Dates of omnipresence
  • Degrees and awards received
  • Major and minor field(southward) of studies
  • Course
  • Participation in officially recognized activities and sports
  • Nearly recent previous educational bureau or establishment attended by the pupil
  • Weight and meridian, if educatee is a member of an intercollegiate athletic squad

Students Who Accept Opted Out

Upon confirmation that a pupil has opted out and blocked the release of directory information, no data may exist released about that student. The recommended response is, "I take no data virtually that individual."

Release of Records

Departments may non release non-directory or personally identifiable data about a student to a tertiary party (parents included) without the student'due south written authorisation. Departments must have currently enrolled students submit a Release of Records Request to identify specific UW educational activity record(southward) to be released, the recipient(s) of the records, and the purpose of the release. In one case this has been received past the Part of the University Registrar, the individual section will be contacted to release the requested information.

Non-enrolled students can email to inquire nigh records release.


Public posting of grades either by the student's name, pupil number, or social security number without the student's written permission is a violation of FERPA. This includes the posting of grades to a class/institutional website and applies to whatsoever public posting of grades in hallways and in departmental offices for all students including those taking distance education courses.

Notification of grades via e-mail is in violation of FERPA. There is no guarantee of confidentiality on the Net. The institution would be held responsible if an unauthorized third party gained access, in whatsoever manner, to a student'due south education tape through whatever electronic transmission method.

Guaranteed Student Rights Nether FERPA

The student has a right to inspect and review any departmental or college records you maintain on them except for 'sole possession records.' A sole possession record is a record you never share with anyone else and that is maintained solely by yous. Sole possession records are not subject to FERPA.

Education Assistants (TA)

FERPA considers Teaching Administration to be an extension of the faculty fellow member. Faculty members may fifty-fifty share their sole-possession records with their TAs. Still, if other faculty and department members can inspect those notes, they are no longer sole possession and go instruction records. Students have the correct to inspect and review those records.

Employment Records

Employment records are not teaching records, unless employment is conditional upon the individual existence a student. Since you lot have to be a student to be a TA, TA employment records are education records.

Registrar Contact

Contact Helen Garrett in the Office of the University Registrar, 206-685-2553,, if you have any questions about this FERPA information.

Written report a Violation

The UW Privacy Role provides a tool to report a FERPA violation or adventitious release of pupil information. Please review the information and instructions on how to Report an Incident earlier submitting an incident report.

FERPA Resources

For more data on FERPA, delight review the following resource:

  • UW Privacy Role – FERPA Police
  • UW Bothell – FERPA Policy
  • UW Tacoma – FERPA for UW Employees
  • OUR – Releasing PID in a Health and Prophylactic Emergency
  • Washington Administrative Code (WAC) – Chapter 478-140
  • Section of Education – Protecting Pupil Privacy
  • Department of Education – FERPA
  • Family Policy and Compliance Part – Student Privacy Policy Office (SPPO) – Archived
